Celebrate your achievement with a personalised Award
Your Minutes Award Certificate shows your name, your course, the logo of the organisation offering it, plus any professional associations endorsing it, and the lead educator's signature. Flip over the printed Certificate, and you're greeted with a burst of celebratory colour and pattern.

Easily share your achievements
Your digital Minutes Award Certificate is a permanent web page, with a unique address, so you can easily download that in PDF format and you also can add it to your LinkedIn profile, CV or resumé, and share it with friends or employers.
Collect Minutes Award Certificate on your profile or portfolio
You can collect your digital Minutes Award Certificate on your cpdonline profile, while your beautiful PDF Certificate — combining modern looks with a traditional security watermark and transcript — will make it a valuable addition to your CPD portfolio.

Get your Minutes Award Certificate Immediately
As soon as you’ve qualified for a Minutes Award Certificate you will be able to view and share a digital version. Depending on your location, you'll receive your e Certificate after you qualify for it.